I wanted to buy a pendulum but i am confused as to whether i will be inviting a demonic attack.
Demons only exist in your mind. However, if you feel uncomfortable with pendulums, why do you want to get one?
is the use of a pendulum to communicate with the unconscious mind dangerous?.
i have had it done on me a few years ago and for months after i was so consumed with guilt!
i prayed for jah to forgive me and i lived in fear that.
I wanted to buy a pendulum but i am confused as to whether i will be inviting a demonic attack.
Demons only exist in your mind. However, if you feel uncomfortable with pendulums, why do you want to get one?
to honor it being one year since michael jackson died.
i would like to point out the real reality of what michael was known as, before he died and created a guilt in saying it.. he was a -.
child molester.
It is always good to point out the truth
As if you've ever even met the guy.
to honor it being one year since michael jackson died.
i would like to point out the real reality of what michael was known as, before he died and created a guilt in saying it.. he was a -.
child molester.
You have issues.
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
I do have to go--windows 7 finally downloaded and I'm going to install it. I'll simply comment that you're now getting into confidence intervals and the notion that as n grows larger, the calculated probability becomes more and more accurate. And I'll once again state that this is a different form of problem. Cheers. Hope to be back later.
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
So your saying its not possible to define the probability of events which are NOT equally likely?
No. I did not say that. However, the entire discussion has dealt with a presupposition that we are dealing with things that have equal chances of happening. That is statistics "in it's most basic form." Not to be terse, but I am not going to use my remaining post count in this pointless exchange. After all, this is becoming too much like a "math class" and I do want to have a life.
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
Well, i asked you earlier to give a definition without copy-pasting. Apparently that was not a problem for you back then, but here we go...
And I did. Note that 3(a)(1) is not substantially different from the definition I gave.
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
John, let me help you.
What is the probability the next flight to new york will fall down over the atlantic?
There are two outcomes as i see it: It fall down, or it does not.
So how do i go from those to the probability? I assume you dont want to tell me its 1/2.
Now you're changing the problem. Note the dicitonary definition involving "equally likely." Or, is the dictionary wrong too?
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
In my world probability is a sononymous with belief.
Why don't we see what the dictionary has to say.
Main Entry: prob·a·bil·i·ty
Pronunciation: \?prä-b?-'bi-l?-te\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): pluralprob·a·bil·i·ties
Date: 15th century
1: the quality or state of being probable
2: something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable
3 a (1): the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities
4: a logical relation between statements such that evidence confirming one confirms the other to some degree
3 (a) leaves little room for "belief."
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
YOU began this by telling me probability has nothing to do with belief. Now im calling you to account on that statement.
That is correct. I stand by that statement.
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
John, no you have not. You have told me it is "the ratio of occurances to non-occurances".
You're quoting only part of the definition I gave. For what purpose do you take a sentence out of context?